Gimårasten is located where the Gimån river flows from Lake Revsundssjön. Though there are many lakes and rivers in the area worth visiting for fishing, there are some that we think can't be missed:
The first 80 km of Gimåm, runs through the hilly and foresty landscape of the Bräcke municipality in Jämtland, Sweden. The part of the river closest to Gimårasten, called Stavreströmmen, is considered one of SWEDEN'S BEST TROUT WATERS! With fish up to 4.5 kg caught every season, it's hard to disagree.
You can BUY YOUR FISHING LICENSE for Gimån at Gimårasten or from Övre Gimåns FVO .
If you're after incredible grayling, the region of village Gimdalen ought to be your destination. The calmer waters of Idsjöströmmen are rich in grayling as well as trout. This part of the Gimån river has a catch-and-release-only policy. You can find out more about that area here: Idsjöströmmen's Fly Fishing and Gimdalens flugfiske.
A Fly Tying Corner with some fly tying material and a vice is available at Gimårasten all season long. At our boutiques you will find ready, hand-made flys prepared specially for Gimån by Sweden's top fly tiers.
Spinning, Ice Fishing and Trolling
A short drive from us lies Skaltjärn. It's a small lake in the forest with waters available for fishing all year round. Every season new fish are added to this lake including rainbow trout and char. A fishing license can be bought on the spot at Skaltjärn / Binnåvägen. The card is 100kr/person for the day and you can take up to 3 fish, which makes it a great spot for family fishing and picnics. Don't forget to fill out the fishing report at the end of the day.
The largest and deepest of all lakes in the Bräcke Municipality is Lake Revsundssjön. Rich in monster pike up to 15kg, trout up to 5.2 kg and plenty of perch and white fish. It's perfect for day trips on boats or kayaks ( we can help you rent one ), spinfishing and trolling. Many local guides are available to point out the best spots to go. You can buy the fishing card at Gimårasten. Photos of the largest fish caught in Jämtland as well as your catch can be uploaded to the local nespapers's website